
The Role of Technology in Building a Sustainable World

Reference Date | Version May 05, 2023| 1.0 Keywords Technology, sustainability, transportation, agriculture, green technology Jurisdiction India The use of technology in generating energy through solar power, wind power, nuclear energy and other renewable energy sources are the way ahead for the future. The relationship between technology, infrastructure and energy is multidimensional. Expert guidance from […]

Blue Economy- Global Trends and Indian Perspective

Legislations are intended to address issues involving specific subject matter. A right granted under one legislation may be affected by the provisions of another legislation. A logical question that follows is – which provision would prevail? The obvious answer is that the legislation dealing with the specific subject matter should prevail over general legislation.

Context of Automation

Legislations are intended to address issues involving specific subject matter. A right granted under one legislation may be affected by the provisions of another legislation. A logical question that follows is – which provision would prevail? The obvious answer is that the legislation dealing with the specific subject matter should prevail over general legislation.

Towards Regulating the Digital Market

The government appointed a 16-member committee on Digital Competition Law[1] under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs to draft the “Digital Competition Act”. To start the process, the Standing Committee on Finance presented a report[2] on “Anti-Competitive Practices by Big Tech Companies”.

International Cooperation in Space Laws

Date | Version May 10, 2023| 2.0 Keywords ‘Space Law’, ‘UNFCCC, ‘International’, ‘Cooperation’, ‘UN’, ‘Satellite’. List of Legislation Referred. The constitution of india The United Nations Remote Sensing Principles, 1986 Article I of the Outer Space Treaty , 1966 The Cancun Agreements , 2010 The Mexico Summit, 2015 Space Activities Bill, 2017 Satellite communications policy, […]

Cryptocurrency: Unregulated Futuristic Technology

Date | Version December 29, 2022, | 1.0 Keywords ‘Cryptocurrency’, ‘Blockchain’, ‘Decentralization’, ‘Virtual Digital Assets’, ‘Dollarization’. List of Legislation Referred The Constitution of India Securities Contract Regulation Act, 1956 Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 Income Tax Act, 1961 Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA) (European Council) (yet to be voted upon) Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation, 2021 […]


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