
Renewable Energy India – 2023 (Part-2)

Date | Version July 23, 2022| 1.0 Part: PART 2 [Regulatory Framework of renewable energy in India] Keywords ‘Renewable energy’, ‘Renewable Purchase Obligation’, ‘Renewable Energy Certificate’. List of Legislation Referred. i. The Electricity Act, 2003 ii. Electricity (Promoting Renewable Energy Through Green Energy Open Access Rules) 2022 iii. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Renewable Energy [...]

Renewable Energy – India 2022 (Part-1)

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Orders and Judgments Duration May 25, 2021-June 14, 2021

The Allahabad High Court held that under the Contempt of Court Act, 1971, affecting of personal service on the alleged contemner is an essential requirement. It ruled that service on the contemnor through the official attached with him is a clear violation of the prescribed rules and cannot in any way be presumed personal service.

Orders and Judgments Duration April 08-22, 2021

The Delhi High Court (HC) held that an arbitral tribunal ought to decide the objection under Section 16 of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 as soon as possible, as a preliminary ground. The Court observed, “The statute contemplates that the party raising the objection has to raise it with alacrity and hence by an overall reading of Section 16 and especially

Orders and Judgments Duration January 08-22, 2021

The Supreme Court has ruled that powers under Articles 226/227 should be used sparingly by High Court (HC) when it comes to interfering with arbitral process. Such power should be exercised only in exceptional rarity, wherein one party is left remediless under the statute or a clear ‘bad faith’ shown by one of the parties.

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